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Situation in Norwegen
"Kindesunterhalt wird dort versteuert, wo er landet - beim Berechtigten, nicht beim Pflichtigen."
This is not right- the person that pay the unterhalt is paying taxes. The reciever of the unterhalt get the money taxfree.... The rest is as far i know -correct

170 €for two kids is for us in our situation normal, because i earn ok money, but my german ex (now back in Germany) earns a little compared with me (23.000 € a year)... And it is as you write a calculation between what I earn and him. We agreed to keep every Amt out of the calculation, and we found the betrag together without any further discussion. This is more and more normal in Norway. He also didn't pay anything the first year (our agreement) because he was such in a difficult economical situation (He don't get any schulden because of this of course...) Reisekosten connected to umgang is split 50/50. And if he don't have much money I pay this alone, because I WANT MY KIDS TO SEE THEIR FATHER! Simple as it is...

But in general is 170€ fot two kids not really much, but 576 € for two is extremely high here, and the father would then earn a lot, and the mother just a little before so high KU is used... And we should then not forget that it costs a lot more to have kids in Norway than in Germany. Most of the costs for living is about the double... To see that 576 € is the mindestunterhalt for two kids in Germany is laecherlich!!! And on top the woman get 304 € kindergeld... Man o man... 880 € a month for two kids is what a german mother GETS from others sources than her own... Incredible!!

But the main way of thinking in norway is how much the father and the mother earns. If the mother earn double as much as the father, she is also supposed to pay double of what the child is supposed to cost (as it also hopefully would have been if the mother and father still would be together!) Einkommen in Norway is not a Staatsgeheimnis, and is just fair like this! The einkommen of the mother is highly relevant.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 26-11-2008, 18:31
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von beppo - 26-11-2008, 18:34
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Al Bundy - 26-11-2008, 19:01
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von mahal - 27-11-2008, 00:42
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 27-11-2008, 00:59
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von ali mente - 27-11-2008, 09:29
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Ralf G. - 27-11-2008, 09:35
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 27-11-2008, 11:11
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von borni - 27-11-2008, 11:43
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von die norwegerin - 27-11-2008, 12:11
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 27-11-2008, 12:22
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von die norwegerin - 27-11-2008, 13:12
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 27-11-2008, 17:28
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von beppo - 27-11-2008, 18:59
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von lordsofmidnight - 13-12-2008, 18:23
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von karlma - 13-12-2008, 18:52
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Exilierter - 13-12-2008, 19:02
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 14-12-2008, 23:21
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Bluter - 14-12-2008, 23:34
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 15-12-2008, 10:33
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 26-10-2009, 19:11
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von p__ - 28-12-2011, 00:03
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von expat - 31-12-2011, 21:01
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Othmar - 01-06-2019, 18:07
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Othmar - 06-06-2019, 21:15
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Simon ii - 07-06-2019, 12:15
RE: Situation in Norwegen - von Einszweidrei - 12-06-2019, 09:15
Norwegen - von Gast - 14-12-2008, 23:24
RE: Norwegen - von p__ - 14-12-2008, 23:54
RE: Norwegen - von Ray - 15-12-2008, 10:20

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