Das ist bestimmt Off-Topic, aber trotzdem interessant:
Drogenforscher Marc Emery: „60 von 65 Abhängigen sind ohne den biologischen Vater aufgewachsen“.
Arlington, Va.: -Is pot a gateway drug in your opinion? I have my own, just want to see what the "Prince" thinks.
Marc Emery: Pot is readily available, so I would concede that pot is an introductory experience.
However, alcohol, nail polish remover, solvents, tobacco, parent's prescription drugs, stuff kids can easily find around the home are the bad gateways to substance abuse.
All young people will abuse some substance (experience = trial & error), but long term abuse is the key concern.
-What creates addiction?
Marc Emery: I ran a drug addiction treatment house and treated 65 patients for hard core addictions like heroin, cocaine, crystal meth. I found that of those 65 patients, 60 did not have their biological father in their life for all or part of their childhood. This psychic wound went on to undermine their entire life. It was this discovery that lead me to see that drug addiction isn't about the drugs, its about childhood trauma. If someone has suffered childhood trauma, then they will go through every drug possible to chase away demons or fears.
Aber das ist m. E. natürlich nur eins der Problemen, die auftauchen können...
Auf meinem Grabstein soll stehen: "Guck nicht so doof! Ich läge jetzt auch lieber am Strand!"